Saves the current project as a series of HTML pages in a new directory created in the current folder. The directory name (and all the object and pages in the project) should be lowercase without any special characters included. This primitive saves your project into a Web page (or pages) with limited functionality. You must use buttons or turtles to change pages in the project. Each page is a snapshot of the screen: animation, text, video, sound, and music icons are part of the background and do not react to clicks.
Suppose you have a project with two pages named Room and Lake:
savehtml "champlain
In the finder, go to the current folder. You should now have a directory named Champlain with twice the number of files as pages. In this example, you will have the following files:
If you have a procedure called links on the Procedures page of your project, you can link to other Web pages outside of your project. You can make as many links as you like inside the links procedure. Here is an example of a links procedure:
to links
make "lcsi "
One of the pages in your project should have a button or turtle running the instruction lcsi to link to the Web site.